Alberto E. Minetti’s


evaluation by Bibliometrist®

underlined papers are available as pdf files on request to the author by clicking on them

  1. a) papers published on peer reviewed SCI journals

  2. b) papers published on national/international journals

  3. c) books and book chapters

  4. d) congress abstracts

  5. e) patents

  6. f) articles on computer science

  7. g) theses


a)  papers published on peer reviewed SCI journals

1.Mognoni P., C. L. Lafortuna, G. Russo and A. E. Minetti. An analysis of world records in three types of locomotion. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 49: 287-299, 1982. (IF 1.4)

2.Lafortuna C. L., A. E. Minetti and P. Mognoni. Optimization of inspiratory airflow pattern in man. I.R.C.S. Med. Sci., 11: 1095, 1983. (IF 0.4)

3.Lafortuna C. L., A. E. Minetti and P. Mognoni. Inspiratory flow pattern in humans. J. Appl. Physiol., 57: 1111-1119, 1984. (IF 2.3)

4.Brancaccio D., A. E. Minetti, E. Sabbioni, R. Pietra, O. Bugiani, G. Como, and M. Gallieni. Minimal laboratory investigation of uremic patients. Kidney International, 28 (17): 108-111, 1985. (IF 4.4)

5.Minetti A. E., I. Brambilla and Lafortuna C. L.. Respiratory airflow pattern in patients with chronic airway obstruction. Clinical Physiology 7: 283-296, 1987. (IF 1.0)

6.Narici M. V., G. S. Roi, L. Landoni, A. E. Minetti, and P. Cerretelli. Changes in force, cross-sectional area and neural activation during strength training and detraining of the human quadriceps.  Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 59: 310-319, 1989. (IF 1.4)

7.Ferretti G., U. Boutellier, D. R. Pendergast, C. Moia, A. E. Minetti, H. Howald and P. E. di Prampero. Oxygen transport system before and after exposure to chronic hypoxia. Int. J. Sports Medicine Vol. 11, Suppl. 1, S15-20, 1990. (IF 1.4)

8.Minetti A. E., and F. B. Saibene. Mechanical work rate minimization and natural stride frequency of human walking: a mathematical model. J. Exp. Biol. 170: 19-34, 1992. (IF 2.0)

9.Narici M. V., L. Landoni, and A. E. Minetti. Assessment of human knee extensor muscle stress from in vivo physiological cross-sectional area and strength measurements.  Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 65: 438-444, 1992. (IF 1.4)

10.Minetti A. E., L. P. Ardigò and F. Saibene. Mechanical determinants of grade walking energetics. J. Physiol.  472: 725-735, 1993. (IF 4.4)

11.Minetti A. E., and G. Belli. A model for the estimation of hidden mass displacement in periodic movements. J. Biomech.  27 (1): 97-102, 1994. (IF 1.8)

12.Minetti A. E., L. P. Ardigò and F. Saibene. The transition between walking and running in man: metabolic and mechanical aspects at different grades. Acta. Physiol. Scand. 150 (3): 315-323, 1994. (IF 1.6)

13.Minetti A. E., F. Saibene, L. Ardigò, G. Atchou, F. Schena and G. Ferretti. Pygmy locomotion. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 68 (4) pp. 285-290, 1994. (IF 1.4)

14.Minetti A. E.. Contraction dynamics in antagonist muscles. J. Theor. Biol., 169 (3): 295-304, 1994. (IF 1.6)

15.Minetti A. E., L. P. Ardigò and F. Saibene. Mechanical determinants of the minimum energy cost of gradient running. J. Exp. Biol. 195: 211-225, 1994. (IF 2.0)

16.Minetti A. E., C. Capelli, P. Zamparo, P. E. di Prampero and F. Saibene. Effects of stride frequency changes on mechanical power and energy expenditure of walking. Med. Sci. Sports Exercise 27 (8): 1194-1202, 1995. (IF 2.6)

17.Ardigò L., C. L. Lafortuna, Minetti A. E., P. Mognoni and F. Saibene. Metabolic and mechanical aspects of foot landing type, forefoot and rearfoot, in human running. Acta Physiol. Scand. 155: 17-22, 1995. (IF 1.8)

18.Minetti A. E. Optimum gradient of mountain paths. J. Appl. Physiol. 79(5): 1698-1703, 1995. (IF 2.3)

           reviewed in: Natural History, 113(9): 22-23, 11/2004.

19.Minetti A. E. and R. McN. Alexander. A theory of metabolic costs for bipedal gait. J. Theor. Biol. 186: 467-476, 1997. (IF 1.6)

20.Ferretti G., G. Antonutto, C. Denis, H. Hoppeler, A. E. Minetti, M. V. Narici and D. Desplanches. Factors limiting maximal oxygen consumption: the interplay of central and peripheral factors. J. Physiol. 501(3): 677-686, 1997. (IF 4.5)

21.Minetti A. E. M. V. Narici, and P. Cerretelli. Comments on the role of elastic energy in jumping performance. J. Appl. Biomech. 13 (4): 463-464, 1997. (IF 0.8)

22.Minetti A. E.. The biomechanics of skipping gaits: a third locomotor paradigm? Proc. R. Soc. B 265: 1227-1235, 1998. (IF 3.0)

          reviewed in:       Nature, News and Views 394: 721-723, 1998,

                                    The Times, 66288: 13, 1998,

                                    Nature Science Update, 23/7/1998

                                    Discover p. 26, December 1998,

                                    Focus 102, 102 1999,

                                    Scientific American, vol. 280 (3): 111-113, March 1999,

                                    National Geographic Magazine, July 1999.

23.Minetti A. E. L. P. Ardigò, D. Susta and F. Cotelli. Using leg muscles as shock absorbers: theoretical predictions and experimental results of human drop landing. Ergonomics 41(12): 1771-1791, 1998. (IF 0.7)

24.Minetti A. E. A model equation for the prediction of mechanical internal work of terrestrial locomotion. J. Biomech.  31 (5): 463-468, 1998. (IF 1.5)

25.Minetti A. E. L. P. Ardigò, E. Reinach and F. Saibene. The relationship between the mechanical work and the metabolic cost of locomotion in horses. J. Exp. Biol., 202 (17): 2329-2338, 1999. (IF 2.0)

        reviewed in:   Nature Science Update 19/8/1999,

                                    New Scientist 2200: 6, 1999.

26.Minetti A. E. L. P. Ardigò, F. Saibene, S. Ferrero and A. Sartorio. Mechanical and metabolic profile of locomotion in adults  with childhood-onset GH deficiency. Eur. J. Endocr. 142 (1): 35-41, 2000. (IF 2.3)

27.Ferretti G., H. Berg, A. E. Minetti, C. Moia, S. Rampichini and M. V. Narici. Maximal instantaneous muscular power after prolonged bed rest in humans. J. Appl. Physiol. 90 (2): 431-435, 2001. (IF 2.58)

28.Minetti A. E. Invariant aspects of human locomotion in different gravitational environments. Acta Astron. 49(3-10): 191-198, 2001. (IF 0.14)

29.Minetti A. E., L. P. Ardigò, E. M. Capodaglio and F. Saibene. Energetics and mechanics of human walking at oscillating speeds. Am. Zool. 41(2): 205-210, 2001. (IF 2.56)

30.Minetti A. E. Walking on other planets. Nature 409: 467-469, 2001. (IF 27.96)

31.Minetti A. E., J. Pinkerton and P. Zamparo. From bipedalism to bicyclism: evolution in bioenergetics and biomechanics of historic bicycles. Proc. R. Soc. B 268: 1351-1360, 2001. (IF 3.19)

        reviewed in:   Nature Science Update 26/6/2001.

                                    New Scientist 2299: 25, 2001.

                                    Natural History 113(2):42-43, 2004.

32.Minetti A. E. and L. P. Ardigò. The transmission efficiency of backward walking at different gradients. Eur. J. Physiol. - Pflügers Archive 442(4): 542-6, 2001. (IF 1.63)

33.Minetti A. E.. On the mechanical power of joint extensions as affected by the change in muscle force (or cross-sectional area), ceteris paribus. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol 86: 363-369, 2002. (IF 1.42)

34.Scaglioni G., A. Ferri, A. E. Minetti, A. Martin, J. Van Hoecke, P. Capodaglio, A. Sartorio, M. V. Narici. Plantar flexor activation capacity and H-reflex in older adults: adaptations to strength training. J. Appl. Physiol. 92: 2292-2302, 2002. (IF 2.72)

35.Zamparo P., A. E. Minetti, P. E. di Prampero. Mechanical efficiency of cycling with a newly developed pedal-crank. J. Biomech. 35: 1387-1398, 2002. (IF 1.89)

        reviewed in:   Nature Science Update 27/9/2002

                                    Wissenschaft Online 30/9/2002

                                    Quark, Rusconi Editore 10/2002

                                    Focus, 122: 7, 2002

                                    BBC World Service Science in Action, 11/10/2002

                                    Natural History, 113(4): 52-53, 5/2004

36.Zamparo P., A. E. Minetti, P. E. di Prampero. Interplay among the changes of muscle strength, cross-sectional area and maximal explosive power: theory and facts. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 88: 193-202, 2002. (IF 1.42)

37.Minetti A. E., C. Moia, G. S. Roi, D. Susta and G. Ferretti. Energy cost of walking and running at extreme uphill and downhill slopes. J. Appl. Physiol. 93: 1039-1046, 2002. (IF 2.72)

38.Zamparo P., D. R. Pendergast, A. Termin and  A. E. Minetti. How fins affect the economy and efficiency of human swimming. J. exp. Biol. 205: 2665-2676, 2002. (IF 2.42)

        reviewed in: Dragging speed down, J. exp. Biol. 205: i-ii, 2002.

39.Minetti A. E. and L. P. Ardigò. Halteres used in ancient Olympic long jump. Nature 420: 14-15, 2002. (IF 30.43).

        reviewed in:   Nature Science Update, 14/11/2002.

                                    Scientific American OnLine, 14/11/2002

                                    Physics Today 56(1): 15, 2003

                                    Discovery Channel, DiscoveryNews, 19/11/2002

                                    National Geographic Magazine, 12/2002.

                                    Discover, 12/2002

                                    The Times, News p. 16, 14/11/2002

                                    Daily Telegraph, Science Section, 14/11/2002

                                    Guardian, 14/11/2002

                                    The Independent, p.13, 14/11/2002

                                    Le Monde, 14/11/2002

                                    Der Spiegel, On Line, 14/11/2002

                                    La Repubblica, p.25, 16/11/2002

                                    BBC Radio Scotland, 14/11/2002

                                    RAI Radio 3, Le Oche di Lorenz, 15/11/2002

                                    Natural History, 112(3): 42-43, 4/2003


                                    Manchester European Research Institute

40.Saibene F. and A. E. Minetti. Biomechanical and physiological aspects of legged locomotion in humans. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 88: 297-316, 2003. (IF 1.49)

41.Ardigò  L. P., F. Saibene and A. E. Minetti. The optimal locomotion on gradients: walking, running or cycling? Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 90(3-4): 365-371, 2003. (IF 1.49)

42.Minetti A. E., L. Boldrini, L. Brusamolin, P. Zamparo and T. McKee. The treadmill-on-demand and the spontaneous speed of walking and running in humans. J. Appl. Physiol. 95: 838-843, 2003. (IF 3.03)

43.Minetti A. E. Efficiency of equine express postal systems. Nature 426: 785-786, 2003. (IF 30.98)

        reviewed in:   Radio 24, Il Volo delle Oche, 18/12/2003

                                    Wissenschaft-Online at

                                    Deutsche Nature

                                    Corriere della Sera, Corriere Scienza, 4/1/2004

                                    Geo Wissenschaft, Hamburg, p. 186, 3/2004

                                    NRC – Hanselblad, Wetenschap, 16/1/2004

                                    La Repubblica, Il Venerdí Scienza, 30/1/2004

44.Minetti A. E. Passive tools for enhancing muscle-driven motion and locomotion. J. Exp. Biol. 207: 1265-1272, 2004. (IF 2.68) [+Corrigendum in J Exp Biol 207: 2185, 2004]

45.Ardigò L. P., V. L. Goosey-Tolfrey and A. E. Minetti. Biomechanics and energetics of basketball wheelchairs evolution. Int. J. Sports Med., 26: 389-397, 2005. (IF 1.34)

46.Dal Lago A., Minetti A. E., Biondetti P., Corsetti M. and G. Basilisco. Magnetic resonance imaging of the rectum during distension. Dis. Colon Rectum, 48(6): 1220-1227, 2005. (IF 2.34)

47.Zamparo P, Pendergast D. R., Mollendorf J., Termin A. and A. E. Minetti. Energy balance of front crawl. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 94 (1-2) 134-144, 2005. (IF 1.33)

48.Mian O. S., Thom J. M., Ardigó L. P., Narici M. V., and A. E. Minetti. Metabolic cost, mechanical work, and efficiency during walking in young and older adults. Acta Physiol. Scand. 186: 127-139, 2006. (IF 2.09)

49.Zamparo P, Pendergast D. R., Termin A. and A. E. Minetti. Economy and efficiency of swimming at the surface with fins of different sizes and stiffness. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 96(4): 459-470, 2006. (IF 1.33)

50.Formenti F., Ardigó L. P. and A. E. Minetti. Human locomotion on snow: determinants of economy and speed of skiing across the ages. Proc. R. Soc. B, 272(1572): 1561-1569, 2005. (IF 3.40)

51.Mian O. S., Thom J. M., Ardigo L. P., Morse C. I., Narici M. V., Minetti A. E.. Effect of a 12-month physical conditioning programme on the metabolic cost of walking in healthy older adults. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol., 4: 1-7, 2006. (IF 1.33)

52.Minetti A. E. , Formenti F., and Ardigò L. P. Himalayan porter’s specialization: metabolic power, economy, efficiency and skill. Proc. R. Soc. B, 273: 2791- 2797, 2006. (IF 3.51)

53.Mian O. S., Narici, M. V., Minetti A. E., and V. Baltzopoulos. Centre of mass motion during stair negotiation in young and older men. Gait and Posture, 26(3): 463-469,  2006. (IF 1.98)

54.Mian O. S., V. Baltzopoulos, Minetti A. E., and M. V. Narici. The impact of physical training on locomotor function in older people. Sports Medicine, 37(8): 683-671, 2007. (IF 3.33)

55.Mian O. S., Thom J. M., Ardigò L. P., Minetti A. E., and Narici M. V. Gastrocnemius muscle-tendon behaviour during walking in young and older adults. Acta Physiologica 189: 57-65, 2007. (IF 2.09)

56.Formenti F. and A. E. Minetti. Human locomotion on ice: the evolution of ice skating energetics through history. J. Exp. Biol., 210: 1825-1833, 2007. (IF 3.03)

57.Minetti A. E., Ardigò L. P., and T. McKee. Keystroke dynamics and timing: accuracy, precision and difference between hands in pianist’s performance. J. Biomech. 40: 3738-3743, 2007. (IF 2.54)

58.Formenti F. and A. E. Minetti. The first humans travelling on ice: an energy saving strategy? Biol. J. Linnean Soc. 93: 1-7, 2008 (IF 2.45)

        reviewed in:   Natural History: 20-21, 12/2007.

                                    The Discovery Channel, 2/1/2008

                                    National Geographic News, 15/1/2008

                                    MSNBC Technology&Science, 11/1/2008

                                    Oxford University E-Newsletter, Issue 31, 1/2008

59.Minetti A. E., Machtziras L. P., and J. Masters. The optimum finger spacing in human swimming. J. Biomech. 42: 2188-2190, 2009. (IF 2.90)

60.Minetti A. E., Seminati E., Cazzola D., Giacometti D. and S. G. Roi. Skyscraper running: physiological and biomechanical profile of a novel sport activity. Scand. J. Med. Sci. Sports. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0838.2009.01043.x., 2009 (IF 2.30)

        reviewed in:    EurekAlert: 8/7/2008.

                    ScientificBlogging, 8/7/2008

                    SiciliaInformazioni, 8/7/2008

                    Deutchlandfunk, 13/7/2008

                    ScienceDaily, 13/7/2008

          , 19/7/2008

                    Iconoclast, 15/8/2008

                    MarketPress.Iinfo, 15/8/2008

          , 9/8/2009

                    NewWorldDirectory, 9/8/2009

          , 8/8/2009

61.Minetti A. E.. Bioenergetics and biomechanics of cycling: the role of ‘internal work’. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol., 111: 323-329, 2011. (IF 1.93)

62.Nardello, F., Ardigò, L.P., and A. E. Minetti. Measured and predicted mechanical internal work in human locomotion. Human Movement Science, 30: 90-104, 2011. (IF 2.15)

63.Minetti A. E., Cisotti C. and O. S. Mian. The mathematical description of the body centre of mass 3D path in human and animal locomotion. J. Biomech, 44: 1471-1477, 2011. (IF 2.90)

64.Biancardi C. M., Fabrica. C. G., Polero P., Fagundes Loss J. and A. E. Minetti. Biomechanics of octopedal locomotion: a kinematic and kinetic analysis on the Grammostola mollicoma spider. J. exp. Biol. in the press, 2011. (IF 2.72)

65.Minetti A. E., and G. Pavei. CO2 emission of locomotion: innovative automobiles do better than running humans. The Physiological Society Ed., Physiology News 83, 24-26. 2011.

        reviewed in:         Scientific American, vol. 280 (3): 111-113, May 2011

                                    Corriere della Sera On-Line 6/5/2011

                                    El Paí 4/5/2011

                                    Breaking News Online 5/5/2011

                                    Build Green Magazine, 7/2011

                                    Le Scienze, September 2011

66.Seminati E., Nardello F., Zamparo P., Pozzi-Mucelli R., Ardigò L. P., and A. E. Minetti. Symmetry of lower limb 3D anatomy, of the body centre of mass 3D trajectory and the metabolic cost of human running. Submitted 2011.

67.Askew G. N., Formenti F., and A. E. Minetti. Limitations imposed by wearing armour on Medieval soldiers’ locomotor performance. Proc. R. Soc. B, in the press, 2011. (IF 4.9)

        reviewed in: (Science)

68.Seminati E., Nardello F., Zamparo P., Faccioli N., Ardigò L. P., and A. E. Minetti. Anatomically asymmetrical runners move more asymmetrically at the same metabolic cost. PLoS ONE 8(9): e74134. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0074134, 2013 (IF 4.09).

69.Gaudino P., Gaudino C., Alberti G. and A. E. Minetti. Biomechanics and predicted energetics of sprinting on sand: Hints for soccer training. J. Sci. Med. Sport. 16: 271-275,, 2013. (IF 3.00).

70.Cazzola D., Alberti G., Ongaro L. and A. E. Minetti. The vertical excursion of the visceral mass within the body during vertical jumps as affected by different respiratory manoeuvres. Human Mov. Sci. In the press, 2013. (IF 2.15)

71.Minetti A. E., Pavei G. and C. M. Biancardi. The energetics and mechanics of level and gradient skipping: preliminary results for a potential gait of choice in low gravity environments. Planetary and Space Science,, 2012 (IF 2.34).

72.Minetti A. E., Ivanenko Y. P., Cappellini G., Dominici N. and F. Lacquaniti. Humans running in place on water at simulated reduced gravity. PLoS ONE 7(7): e37300. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0037300, 2012 (IF 4.41).

73.Biancardi C. M. and A. E. Minetti. Biomechanical determinants of transverse and rotary gallop in cursorial mammals. J. exp. Biol., 215(23): 4144-4156, 2012. (IF 3.00)

74.Minetti A. E., Gaudino P., Seminati E., and D. Cazzola. The cost of transport of human running is not affected, as in walking, by wide acceleration/deceleration cycles. J. Appl. Physiol., 114: 498-503, 2013. (IF 3.75).

75.Cimadoro G., Yeadon F., Van Hoecke J., Alberti G., Babault N., and A. E. Minetti. Validation of a subject specific 3-actuator torque-driven model in human vertical jumping. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2012 Aug: 4883-4886. doi: 10.1109/EMBC.2012.6347088 (IF 1.01).

76.Seminati E. and A. E. Minetti. Overuse in Volleyball training/practice: a review on shoulder and spine-related injuries. Eur. J. Sport Sci., DOI:10.1080/17461391.2013.773090, 2013 (IF 0.98).

77.Layec G., Trinity J. D., Hart C. D., Hopker J., Passfield L., Coen P. M., Conley K. E., Hunter G. R., Fisher G., Ferguson R. A., Sasaki K. , Malatesta D., Maffiuletti N. A., Borrani F., Minetti A. E., Rice C. L., Dalton B., McNeil C., Power G., Manini T. M. Comments on Point:Counterpoint: Skeletal muscle mechanical efficiency does/does not increase with age. J. Appl Physiol., 2013 doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00185.2013 (IF 3.75).

78.Pavei G., La Torre A., Cazzola D., and Minetti A. E. The biomechanics of race walking: literature overview and new insights. Eur. J. Sport Sci. accepted, 2013. (IF 0.98).

b) papers published on national journals and congress proceedings on international journals

1.Minetti A. E., C. L. Lafortuna, G. Russo e P. Mognoni. Passato e futuro di alcune prestazioni atletiche. Boll. Soc. It. Biol. Sper. (1981), 54 (supp.1): 9-10.

2.Brando B., G. Civati, C. Rovati, C. Grillo, M. L. Broggi, G. Busnach, A. Dal Col, M. L. Nova, R. Bottelli, A. E. Minetti, M. Surian, C. Guastoni e L. Minetti. I linfociti T-suppressors nel trapianto renale: studio funzionale e con anticorpi monoclonali. In Nefrologia, Dialisi, Trapianto, pp. 249-252, Wichtig Editore Milano, 1981.

3.Minetti A. E.. Rappresentazione 3D di una serie di Fourier, Bit n.25, pp 105-106, Jackson Ed.(1982).

4.Minetti A. E., C.L. Lafortuna e P. Mognoni. Respiratory flow pattern and dynamic inspiratory work in man at rest and during exercise. Boll. Soc. It. Biol.  Sper. (1982), 58 (supp.1): 59-60.

5.Brando B., G. Civati, M. L. Broggi, A. Perego, C. Grillo,  C. Guastoni, G. Busnach,  A. E. Minetti e L. Minetti. T-cells subset monitoring in renal trasplantation: a statistical approach. Abstract from It. Soc. Nephrol., Kidney Int., vol. 23: 656-657, 1983.

6.Lafortuna C. L., A. E. Minetti and P. Mognoni. Inspiratory airflow pattern in man at rest and during exercise: a preliminary report. In: Modelling and control of breathing, J. Whipp e D. Wiberg ed., Elsevier Publ. Co., New York, pp.166-172, 1983.

7.Mognoni P., C. L. Lafortuna e A. E. Minetti. Peak power of lower limbs extensor muscles. Boll. Soc. It. Biol. Sper. (1984), 60 (supp.3): 86-87.

8.Minetti A. E., C. L. Lafortuna, I. Brambilla, E. Micallef e C. Sacerdoti. Airflow pattern in health and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Boll. Soc. It. Biol. Sper. (1985): 217-218.

9.Minetti A. E.. L'insieme di Mandelbrot, Bit n.85, pp 14-20, Jackson Ed. (1987).

10.Sirtori, D. M., E. Piccinelli, A. E. Minetti, P. Mognoni. Relazione tra massima potenza muscolare e grado di flessione durante il contromovimento in salti in alto da fermo. Atti 25° Congresso Nazionale di Medicina dello Sport. S. Margherita di Pula, Cagliari, 26-29/5/88, pp. 387-390.

11.Minetti A. E.. Confronto tra due rette di regressione, Mouse anno 1 n.2, pp. 31-34, Pisoft Ed. (1988).

12.Minetti A. E.. Rilievi a geometria frattale, Computer Grafica & Applicazioni n.85, pp 14-20, Jackson Ed. (1988).

13.Minetti A. E.. Fractal Applications in Medicine. In: Atti del "Workshop on informatics in surgery", XXVI World Congress of the International College of Surgeons, 3-9/7/1988, Atti del Workshop on Informatics in Surgery, pp. 7-13, Milano.

14.Mameli R., Rosso D., Minetti A. E.. Visual simulation of natural models, Atti del Workshop "Conoscenza per immagini", C.N.R. - Aula Marconi, Roma 27-28/11/1989, p. 306-309, Editrice Il Rostro.

15.Minetti A. E.. I frattali in biomedicina. In Scienza & Tecnica 89/90, Annuario dell'Enciclopedia della Scienza e della Tecnica (EST), pp. 273-283, Mondadori, Milano 1989.

16.P. Mognoni, F. Lorenzelli, M. D. Sirtori, and A. E. Minetti. Effects of knee angle on squat and countermovement jumps. J. Biomechanics, Proc. of the XIIIth International Congress of Biomechanics, pp 109-111, The University of Western Australia, Perth, 9-13 Dec., 1991.

17.Saibene F. and Minetti A. E.. Aspects of the energetics and the mechanics of human locomotion. ISBS '92 Proceedings, Eds. R. Rodano, G. Ferrigno and G. Santambrogio, p. 307-314, Edi-Ermes, Milano.

18.Minetti A. E.. Fenomeni di ottimizzazione nella marcia e nella corsa. Sport & Medicina, Anno 10 (1), p. 49-52, 1993.

19.Minetti A. E. Academic technology Development efforts: I.T.B.A.. Syllabus (European Edition) 2: 12-13, 1993.

20.Minetti A. E., L. Ardigò and F. Saibene. Positive and negative mechanical work explain the minimum energy expenditure occurring at a grade of -10% in downhill walking. Proc. of the XIVth International Congress of Biomechanics,  J. Biomechanics, 27 (6): 810, 1994.

21.Minetti A. E., G. Ferretti, G. Atchou, F. Schena, L. Ardigò and F. Saibene. Mechanics and energetics of walking and running in African Pygmies. Proc. of the XIVth International Congress of Biomechanics,  J. Biomechanics, 27 (6): 810, 1994.

22.Minetti A. E. and F. Cotelli. Negative peak power during drop landing. Proc. of the XIIth International Symposium of biomechanics in sports, Budapest, July 1994.

23.Minetti A. E.. Measurements and theoretical models in upper limb biomechanics. In: Advances in Occupational Medicine & Rehabilitation, P. Capodaglio & G. Bazzini Eds., Le Collane della Fondazione Salvatore Maugeri, Pavia, Vol. 3 (1): 9-12, 1997.

24.Minetti A. E.. Fractals and chaos in biomedicine: a promising methodology?, in: Chaos, Fractals and Models, A. M. Guindani and G. Salvadori Eds, Italian University Press, Pavia, pp 73-74, 1998.

25.Minetti A. E. and L. P. Ardigò. New technologies in the evaluation of the elderly: a computational model predicting the dynamics of drop landing. In: Advances in Rehabilitation, P. Capodaglio & M. V. Narici Eds., Le Collane della Fondazione Salvatore Maugeri, Pavia, Vol. 3 (1): 9-12, 1999.

26.Minetti A. E., L. P. Ardigò, A. Ferri, G. Scaglioni and M.V. Narici. The energy cost of walking in the elderly before and after strength training. In: The Ageing motor system and its adaptations to training. P. Capodaglio & M.V. Narici Eds Advances in Rehabilitation. Maugeri Foundation Books, Pi-Me Press,Pavia, Vol. 9: 85-90, 2000.

27.Scaglioni G., A. Ferri, P. Capodaglio, A. E. Minetti, J. Van Hoecke, and M.V. Narici. Motoneuron pool excitability and activation capacity in the elderly: adaptations to training. In: The Ageing motor system and its adaptations to training. P. Capodaglio & M.V. Narici Eds Advances in Rehabilitation. Maugeri Foundation Books, Pi-Me Press,Pavia, Vol. 9: 85-90, 2000.

28.Minetti A. E.. Studies to increase the efficiency of human locomotion in sports and rehabilitation, in: Italian Applications, F. Pedrocchi Ed, Hublab Edition, Milano, pp 34-35, 2006.

29.Biancardi C. M., and A. E. Minetti. Selezione naturale e locomozione: l'influenza del pensiero Darwiniano negli studi sul movimento animale. In: Darwin tra Storia e Scienza, F. Stoppa and R. Veraldi Eds, Edizioni Universitarie Romane, Roma, pp 235-251, 2011.

30.Minetti A. E.. Limiti gravitari alla locomozione terrestre e al volo. In: XXXVII Seminario sulla evoluzione biologica e i grandi problemi della biologia: forza di gravitá ed evoluzione, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Scienze e Lettere Edizioni, Roma, pp 69-84, 2011.

31.Minetti A. E., and G. Pavei. La corsa verde dei veicoli ibridi. Le Scienze (Italian Edition of Scientific American) 518, 74-77. 2011.

interview at:     Radio24, il Sole 24ore 12/12/2011

32.Minetti A. E. and D. Susta. The maximum negative power and motor control during simulated hard and soft landing in alpine skiers. Science and Skiing V, E. Müller, S. Lindinger, RT. Stöggl Eds, Meyer & Meyer Sport (UK), pp 291-279, 2012.

c) books and book chapters

1.Minetti A. E.. Microsoft BASIC per Apple Macintosh. Jackson Ed., Milano, 1986 (ISBN88-7056-418-5), 2nd edition 1988 (ISBN88-7056-863-6).

2.Minetti A. E.. Lemma: Deambulazione. In: Universo del Corpo, Treccani Ed., Roma, 1999.

3.Minetti A. E.. Chapter 2-6: The three modes of terrestrial locomotion. In: The Biomechanics and Biology of Movement, B. M. Nigg, B. R. MacIntosh and J. Meister Eds., Human Kinetic Publisher, 2000.

4.Minetti A. E.. Paradigmi locomotori della locomozione terrestre umana ed animale. In: Bioingegneria della postura e del movimento, A. Cappozzo, C. Cappello, P. E. di Prampero Eds., Patron, Bologna, 2003.

5.Minetti A. E.. Chapter 12 - Mechanical Properties of Muscles Reduce Performance Variability. In: Movement System Variability. K. Davids, S. Bennet, C. Newell Eds. Human Kinetics, 2005.

6.Minetti A. E. Analisi per aumentare l’efficienza della locomozione umana in ambito riabilitativo e sportivo. In: Italian Applications, HubLab Edition, Milan, 2006.

7.Minetti A. E. Capitolo: Fisiologia del Movimento in Montagna. In: Medicina e Montagna vol. 2 Club Alpino Italiano pp 131-146, Milan, 2009.

8.Minetti A. E. Capitolo 70: Fisiologia e Biomeccanica della Locomozione. In: Fisiologia Medica 2º ed. Edi-Ermes, Milan, 2010.

9.Minetti A. E.. Chapter VI.2 - Biological and Technological Movement. In: Physics in Sports. C. Clanet Ed., in the press, 2013.

d) congress abstracts

1.Mortola J. P., P. Mognoni e A. E. Minetti. Influenza della morfologia dell'onda di flusso sul lavoro respiratorio. Boll. Soc. It. Biol. Sper. vol. LIV,  (1978).

2.Mognoni P., C. L. Lafortuna, A. E. Minetti e F. Saibene. Stimolo ipossico ed iperventilazione da lavoro. XXX Congr. Naz. Soc. It. Fisiol., 1978.

3.Mortola J. P., P. Mognoni e A. E. Minetti. Influence of the morphology of the  airflow wave on the respiratory work. Canad. Physiol. 11: 108, 1980.

4.Veicsteinas A., G. Patrone, A. E. Minetti e P. Cerretelli. La massima capacità lattacida  nei nativi delle Ande (4540 m s.l.m.). Boll. Soc. It. Biol. Sper. vol. LVI, (1980).

5.Brando B., G. Civati, C. Rovati, C. Grillo, M. L. Broggi, G. Busnach, A. Da Col, M. L. Cova, R. Bottelli, A. E. Minetti, M. Surian, C. Guastoni e L. Minetti. Suppressor T-cells (sT) in renal trasplant recipients: monitoring by functional assay and monoclonal antibodies. Kidney Int., vol. 22: 95, 1982.

6.Minetti A. E., C. L. Lafortuna and E. D'Angelo. Relation between inspiratory muscles activity and airflow pattern in man. Proc. XXX Congress of the International Union of Physiological Sciences. Vancouver (Canada), July 13-18, 1986: 300.

7.Cerretelli P., Minetti A. E., M. V. Narici, G. S. Roi and B. Scalmani. Changes in NMR assessed cross-sectional area, force and iEMG activity of human quadriceps during strength training and detraining. J. Physiol., 409, 17P,1989.

8.Minetti A. E., I. R. Consani, G. Cortili, and F. Saibene. In-line evaluation of mechanical work in human locomotion. Eur. J. Physiol. Pflügers Archiv Vol. 418, n. 3, R131, 1991.

9.Minetti A. E., S. Mastore, e P. Mognoni. Misura della massima potenza dei muscoli estensori degli arti superiori. Atti del XLI Congresso Nazionale della Soc. Ital. di Fisiologia, Taormina 9/1989 e Pflügers Archiv (in corso di stampa).

10.Giannini F., L. Landoni, N. Merella,  A. E. Minetti, and M. V. Narici. Estimation of specific tension of human knee extensor muscles from in-vivo physiological CSA and strength measurements, Proceedings of the Physiological Society,  J. Physiol.,  423, 86P, 15-16/12/1990.

11.Minetti A. E., I. R. Consani, G. Cortili and F. Saibene. Estimation of mechanical work of walking and running by means of three models: a variability approach. Abstracts of the 1st World Congress of Biomechanics,  University of California, San Diego, Vol. II, p.54, 1990.

12.Minetti A. E.,  I. R. Consani, G. Cortili e F. Saibene. Lavoro meccanico interno ed esterno e stima della frequenza naturale dei passi durante la marcia. Atti del XLII Congresso Nazionale della Soc. Ital. di Fisiologia, 5:12, Perugia 9/1990.

13.Minetti A. E.,  I. R. Consani, G. Cortili e F. Saibene. Conservazione di energia ed effetto ballistico nell'arto superiore durante la marcia e la corsa. Atti del XLII Congresso Nazionale della Soc. Ital. di Fisiologia, 5:2, Perugia 9/1990.

14.Minetti A. E.,  F. Saibene, G. Cortili, G. Antonutto, C. Capelli, P. Zamparo and P. E. di Prampero. Energy expenditure and mechanical work in walking: effects of frequency and speed. Proc. of  the Regional Meeting of the International Union of Physiological Sciences, Prague, June 30 - July 5, 1991.

15.Minetti A. E., C. Capelli, G. Antonutto, P. Zamparo, G. De Luca, L. Lovati, G. Cortili, P. E. di Prampero and F. Saibene. Energy expenditure and mechanical work during walking in hemiplegic patients: a preliminary report. Atti del XLIII Congresso Nazionale della Soc. Ital. di Fisiologia, Sorrento 9/1991.

16.Minetti A. E. and G. Belli. A mathematical model for the estimation of the hidden mass displacement in periodic movements. The Physiologist, Proc. of the APS Conference on: Integrative Biology of Exercise, Colorado Springs, Colorado, The Physiologist, 35 (4): 186, 1992.

17.Minetti A. E.  and F. Saibene. Effect of speed and frequency changes on mechanical internal work rate in walking: experimental data and model predictions. J. Biomechanics, Proc. of the XIIIth International Congress of Biomechanics, The University of Western Australia, J. Biomech. 25(7: 787, 1992.

18.Minetti A. E., L. Ardigò, C. Corradini and F. Saibene. The speed of transition between (grade) walking and running in man: is it ruled by metabolic criteria? Proc. XXXIInd International Congress of Physiological Sciences, Glasgow, 1-6 August, 1993.

19.Minetti A. E., L. Ardigò and F. Saibene. The optimum grade of running (-10%) explained by the ratio between positive and negative mechanical work. J. Physiol. 475.P, 25P, 1994.

20.Minetti A. E.. Simulated contraction dynamics in antagonist muscles. Proc. IInd World Congress of Biomechanics, Amsterdam, July 1994.

21.Minetti A.E. The energetically optimum path in gradient locomotion. Proc. of the APS Meeting "Regulation, Integration, Adaptation: a Species Approach", San Diego, November 1994, The Physiologist 37(5): A-87, 1994.

22.Minetti A.E. and R. McNeill Alexander. A theory of metabolic costs for bipedal gait. IUBS Congress Birmingham, Physiological Zoology  68(4): 45, 1995.

23.Minetti A.E. L. P. Ardigò, E. Reinach and F. Saibene. The mechanics of locomotion in horses. Congress on Comparative Physiology, Soumur, 1996.

24.Dal Lago A., G. Basilisco, A.E. Minetti  and P. Bianchi. Effect of organ size on the compliance measured by a barostat. Annual meeting of American Gastroenterological Association, San Francisco, 1996.

25.Minetti A.E. L. P. Ardigò, E. Reinach and F. Saibene. Gait mechanics in horses. 19th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Kyoto, 1996.

26.Ardigò L.P., Minetti A.E. and F. Saibene. The mechanics and energetics of loaded locomotion. XXXIII International Congress of Physiological Sciences, St Petersburg, 1997.

27.Minetti A.E. L. P. Ardigò and F. Saibene. The transmission efficiency (effectiveness) of backward walking at different gradients. XXXIII International Congress of Physiological Sciences, St Petersburg, 1997.

28.Narici M.V. , P. Capodaglio , Minetti A.E. A. Ferrari-Bardile, M. Maini and P. Cerretelli. Changes in skeletal muscle architecture induced by disuse-atrophy. Physiological Society, Cambrige University Meeting, Cambridge, 1997.

29.Minetti A.E. The biomechanics of skipping. The 3rd World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB’98), Hokkaido University, Sapporo Japan, 1998.

30.Minetti A.E. L. P. Ardigò, E. Reinach and F. Saibene. The mechanics and energetics of locomotion in horses. The 3rd World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB’98), Hokkaido University, Sapporo Japan, 1998.

31.Minetti A. E., L. P. Ardigò, E. M. Capodaglio, A. La Manna and F. Saibene. The cost of walking at oscillating speed in obese and normal subjects. Annual Meeting of Gait and clinical movement analysis, Dallas (USA), 1999.

32.Minetti A. E. Modelling terrestrial locomotion. Annual Meeting of the Society of Experimental Biology, Edinburgh, 1999.

33.Minetti A. E., D. Susta, F. Cotelli and F. Saibene. Assessing the individual economy in cross-country skiing. XVIIth Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Calgary, 1999.

34.Minetti A. E.. The relationship between mechanics and energetics of locomotion. XVIIth Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Calgary, 1999.

35.Ardigò L. P. and A. E. Minetti. Looking for the most economical and fast locomotion on gradients: walking, running or cycling? 4th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Roma, 1999.

36.Ferri A., G. Scaglioni, P. Capodaglio, L. Ciuffreda, A. E. Minetti and M. Narici. Muscle activation capacity in elderly men. 4th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Roma, 1999.

37.Scaglioni G., A. Ferri, P. Capodaglio, A. E. Minetti and M. Narici. Motoneuron pool excitability in ageing. 4th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Roma, 1999.

38.Susta D., A. E. Minetti, C. Moia, and G. Ferretti. Energy costs of walking and running at extreme uphill and downhill gradients. J. Physiol. 523P, 227P, 2000.

39.Minetti A. E., G. Ferretti, C. Moia, and D. Susta. The maximum speed of gradient running: predictions and race results. Proceedings of the Physiological Society, Budapest Meeting, J. Physiol. 526P, 35P, 2000.

40.Minetti A. E., L. P. Ardigò, E. M. Capodaglio and F. Saibene. Energetics and mechanics of human walking at oscillating speeds. Annual Meeting of the Society for integrative and Comparative Biology, Atlanta, Am. Zool. 39 (5): 5A, 2000.

41.Minetti A. E., A. Canclini, D. Susta, F. Cotelli, F. Saibene and G. Smith. Individual economy and general mechanics in cross-country ski. 2nd International Congress on skiing and science, St Christoph a. Arlberg, Austria, 2000.

42.Minetti A. E.. The optimum design of the fastest cross-country ski tracks. 2nd International Congress on skiing and science, St Christoph a. Arlberg, Austria, 2000.

43.Minetti A. E.. Invariant aspects of human locomotion in different gravitational environments. 13th IAA Human in Space Symposium, Santorini, Greece, 2000.

44.Ardigò L. P., Saibene F. and A. E. Minetti. Walking, running and cycling uphill: which is the more convenient mode of locomotion? 5th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Jyväskylä 2000.

45.Ardigò L. P., Saibene F. and A. E. Minetti. Energetics and biomechanics of walking in elderly. 5th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Jyväskylä 2000.

46.Minetti A. E. and P. Zamparo Mechanical paradigms of human powered locomotion on wheels. 18th Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Zürich 2001.

47.Zamparo P. and A. E. Minetti. Mechanical efficiency of riding historical bicycles. Meeting of the Physiological Society, Oxford March 2001.

48.Zamparo P. and A. E. Minetti. Maximal rotational power in twist jumps. 18th Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Zürich 2001.

49.Zamparo P., D. Pendergast, B. Termin and A. E. Minetti. Energy cost, drag and efficiency of swimming with fins. 6th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Köln 2001.

50.Minetti A. E. Is short stature associated with changes in locomotory energetics and biomechanics? 48th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sport Medicine, Baltimore, June 2001.

51.Minetti A. E. and L. P. Ardigò. Biomechanical assessment of dynamical/temporal performance in pianists. IV Triennial Hand and Wrist Biomechanics Symposium, Izmir, June 2001.

52.Minetti A. E.. The metabolic equivalent of internal work in cycling. World Congress of Biomechanics, Calgary, 2002.

53.Minetti A. E.. The evolution of passively-assisted human-powered locomotion. World Congress of Biomechanics, Calgary, 2002.

54.Zamparo P. and A. E. Minetti. The evolution of bicycle design and and its effects on the efficiency and economy of cycling. World Congress of Biomechanics, Calgary, 2002

55.Minetti A. E.. Jumping in ancient Olympics: the effect of halteres. 7th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Athens 2002.

56.Minetti A. E., Zamparo P. and P. E. di Prampero. On the mechanical power of joint extensions as affected by the change in muscle force (or cross-sectional area), ceteris paribus: critical review of the literature about muscle conditioning. 23rd annual ISGP meeting and the 8th ESA Life Sciences Symposium, Stockholm, 2002.

57.Minetti A. E. The biomechanical determinants of increased speed in passively-assisted human-powered locomotion. Joint Meeting of the Physiological Society and the Societa’ Italiana di Fisiologia, Liverpool, J. Physiol. 543P, 2002.

58.Mallo, J., Minetti A. E. and E. Navarro. Analisis cinematico de la actividad del futbolista en la competicion. II Congreso de Ciencias del Deporte, Madrid, 2002.

59.Thom J. M., Mian O., Ardigó L. P., Muirhead A., Morse C. I., Minetti A. E. and M.V. Narici. Metabolic cost of walking at set and self-selected speeds in older males and females. 48th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sport Medicine, San Francisco, June 2003.

60.Minetti A. E. The maximum sustainable performance in building pyramids and in horse-powered postal systems. 48th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sport Medicine, San Francisco, June 2003.

61.Minetti A. E. Estimating the mechanical work of locomotion. Annual Meeting of the Society for Experimental Biology, Southampton, Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 134/A (3) Suppl., S34, April 2003.

62.Minetti A. E. Mechanical paradigms in terrestrial locomotion. XIX Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Dunedin, July 2003.

63.Mian O., Thom J. M., Ardigó L. P., Narici M.V., and Minetti A. E.. Metabolic and mechanical cost of walking in older adults. 9th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, July 2004.

64.Minetti A. E. Passively augmented performance in terrestrial, aquatic and aerial human locomotion. Annual Meeting of the Society for Experimental Biology, Edinburgh, Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 139/A (3) Suppl., A29, March 2004.

65.Minetti A. E., Thom J. M., Ardigó L. P., Narici M.V. and Mian O. The lower economy and efficiency of walking in older adults. VI World Congress of the International Society for Aging and Physical Activity, London (Ontario) Canada, July 2004.

66.Masters J. C., Minetti A. E. Wake structure of a swimming roach (Rutilus rutilus) as a function of speed/tailbeat frequency: a CFD approach. Annual Meeting of the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, San Diego, USA, January 2005.

67.Formenti F. Ardigó L. P., Minetti A. E. Nepalese Porters and Caucasian Mountaineers. The Medical Expeditions Altitude Symposium, Oxford, November 2005.

68.Pearson G., M. Torres, O. Mian, A. E. Minetti, C. Maganaris and M.V. Narici. Ageing, postural and dynamic balance performances: effects of specific stability, inertial and isotonic training. J. Aging Phys. Activity, 12(3): 414-415, 2004.

69.Minetti A. E., L. P. Ardigó and F. Formenti. Heavily loaded walking on steep paths in hypoxia: the power and economy of Nepalese porters. 5th World Congress of Biomechanics, Münich, July 29th – August 4th, 2006.

70.Wanga  W., R. Crompton, A. E. Minetti, M. Gunther, W. Sellers, R. Abbouda, R. McN. Alexander. A muscle-driving model of human walking and estimate of metabolic expenditure on muscles. 5th World Congress of Biomechanics, Münich, July 29th – August 4th, 2006.

71.Minetti A. E., L. P. Ardigó, F. Formenti, L. A. Peyrè-Tartaruga and D. Susta. Load carrying in Nepalese porters and in Caucasian mountaineers. Congress of International Society of Biomechanics, Taipei, July, 2007.

72.Formenti F. and Minetti A. E.. The development and evolution of ice skating. 12th annual Congress of the ECSS, Jyväskylä, July 2007.

73.Minetti A. E., Peyré-Tartaruga L. A., Ardigò L. P., Formenti F., Susta D. Custo energético e eletromiográfico da locomoção de carregadores nepaleses no himalaia [Energetic and EMG cost of locomotion on nepalese porters in the Himalaya]. Proceedings of the XII Brazilian Congress of Biomechanics. São Pedro, Brazil : Unicamp, 88-94, 2007

74.Minetti A. E. Microgravity sports/games based on innovative physical exercise: tools for recreational support and fitness maintenance. Workshop: Tools for Psychological Support during Exploration Missions to Mars and Moon 26 March 2007, ESTEC in Noordwijk, The Netherlands (

75.Minetti A. E., A. Cicchella, M. A. Servadei, and G. S. Roi. Analisi biomeccanica della traiettoria 3D del centro di massa corporeo durante il cammino, prima e dopo intervento ortopedico, attraverso una nuova metodologia biomatematica. XVII Congress of SIBOT (Societá Italiana di Biomeccanica in Ortopedia e Traumatologia), Roma November 22nd-24th, 2007.

76.Minetti A. E. Human locomotion, Program and Abstracts of the XXI Congress, International Society of Biomechanics.  Journal of Biomechanics, Volume 40, Pages S4-S4, 2007

77.Minetti A.E., D. Cazzola, E. Seminati, M. Giacometti, S. G. Roi. Skyscraper Running, Annual Main Meeting of the Society of Experimental Biology, Marseille July 6-10, 2008.

78.Nardello, F., Ghezzi, S., Zamparo, P., Ardigò, L.P., Minetti, A.E. Mechanical efficiency and running economy in occasional and skilled runners and their relationship with the kinematic variability of the body centre of mass. European College of Sport Science, Oslo 2009.

79.Nardello, F., Ardigò, L.P., Minetti, A.E. Human locomotion: right/left symmetry in the 3D trajectory of the body centre of mass. European Society of Movement Analysis in Adults and Children (ESMAC) 18th Annual General Meeting, London, 17-19th September 2009.

80.Minetti, A.E. The mathematical description (Lissajous Contour) of the 3D trajectory of the body centre of mass: a locomotor ‘signature’ for the physiology, biomechanics and pathology of human and animal gaits. European Society of Movement Analysis in Adults and Children (ESMAC) 18th Annual General Meeting, London, 17-19th September 2009, Gait & Posture 30S (2009) SS153, doi:10.1016/j.gaitpost.2009.08.230.

81.Minetti, A.E. the energetics and mechanics of natural and artificial locomotion. In symposium: Human Machinery at Work, ECSS 2010, Antalya, Turkey, July 2010.

82.Biancardi C.M., Polero P., Fabrica G., and A.E. Minetti. Biomechanical aspects of octopedal locomotion. The Society of Experimental Biology (SEB) Conference, Prague, July 2010.

83.Minetti, A.E. & D. Susta. The maximum negative power and motor control during simulated hard and soft landing in alpine skiers. 5th International Congress on Science and Skiing, St Christoph, December 2010.

84.Biancardi C.M. and A.E. Minetti. Biomechanical determinants of transverse and rotary gallop in mammals. "General Biomechanics" session at the Society of Experimental Biology (SEB) Conference, Glasgow 2011.

85.Fischer G, Ardigò L.P. and A. E. Minetti. Bioenergetics and biomechanics of handbiking. Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Brussels 2011.

86.Minetti, A.E. Metabolic and mechanical characteristics of mountain walking. 4th Edition of the International Congress “Mountain, Sport & Health”, Rovereto on November 10-12, 2011.

87.Cimadoro G., Babault N., Alberti G., Van Hoecke J., and A. E. Minetti. The comparison between individual 2d modelling and experimental data in squat jumps. Br J Sports Med 2011;45:e5. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2011-090606.

88.Cimadoro G., Yeadon F., Pain M., Van Hoecke J., Alberti G., Babault N., and A. E. Minetti. Comparison between squat jump vs. weighted squat jump: simulation study. Proceedings of 36th Annual American Society of Biomechanics Meeting 2012.

89.Biancardi C.M. and A.E. Minetti. Gaits at high speed in free ranging cursorial Mammals. VIII Conference of the 'Associazione Teriologica Italiana', Piacenza 2012.

90.Pavei G., Cazzola D., La Torre A. and A. E. Minetti. Body center of mass trajectory shows how race walkers elude “Froude law”. 17th Annual ECSS Congress, Bruges, Belgium, July 2012. [3rd winner in Oral Presentation Award]

91.Seminati E., Marzari A., Vacondio O. and A. E. Minetti. The shoulder range of motion of alternative spike/serve techniques as a potential injury predictor in volleyball. 17th Annual ECSS Congress, Bruges, Belgium, July 2012. [5th winner in Poster Presentation Award]

92.Minetti A. E., Pavei G. and C. M. Biancardi. 'Skipping' as the gait of choice in hypo-gravity: metabolic and biomechanical insights from level and gradient experiments on Earth. 63rd Congress of the Italian Physiological Society, Verona, September 21-23, 2012.

93.Seminati E., Ardigò L. P., Zamparo P., Nardello F., Faccioli N., and A. E. Minetti. Anatomically asymmetrical runners move in an asymmetrical way at the same metabolic cost. 63rd Congress of the Italian Physiological Society, Verona, September 21-23, 2012.

94.Cazzola D., Alberti G., Ongaro L. and A. E. Minetti. Respiration techniques limit vertical excursion of the visceral mass during repeated jumps. 63rd Congress of the Italian Physiological Society, Verona, September 21-23, 2012.

95.Biancardi C. M. and A. E. Minetti. Optimal interval for periodical lead limb changes during straight gallop in race horses. 63rd Congress of the Italian Physiological Society, Verona, September 21-23, 2012.

96.Pavei G., Cazzola D. and A. E. Minetti. The 3D trajectory of the body centre of mass and other mechanical aspects of race walking. 63rd Congress of the Italian Physiological Society, Verona, September 21-23, 2012.

97.Telli R., Seminati E. and A. E. Minetti. Length changes of propulsive muscles in recumbent vs. normal bicycle. 63rd Congress of the Italian Physiological Society, Verona, September 21-23, 2012.

98.Fischer G., Ardigò L. P., Parisi D., A. E. Minetti. Bioenergetics and Biomechanics of Handbiking. 63rd Congress of the Italian Physiological Society, Verona, September 21-23, 2012.

99.Gaudino P., Seminati E., Cazzola D. and A. E. Minetti. Running cost of transport is not affected by acceleration/deceleration cycles. 63rd Congress of the Italian Physiological Society, Verona, September 21-23, 2012.

100.Cimadoro G., Yeadon F., Van Hoecke J., Alberti G., Babault N., and A. E. Minetti. Validation of a subject specific 3-actuator torque-driven model in human vertical jumping. 34th Annual International Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, San Diego, 2012.

101.Minetti A. E. Real-time analysis of human gait: 3D symmetry and mechanical work of the body centre of mass trajectory. 24th Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Natal, (Brazil) 2013.

102.Seminati E., Pulici L., Cazzola D., Cabitza P., Randelli P. and A. E. Minetti. The 3D body centre of mass trajectory before and after total knee arthroplasty: symmetry and mechanical work. 24th Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Natal (Brazil), 2013.

103.Pavei G. and A. E. Minetti. Prediction of race time decrease, due to the performance drop-off, in running 3000m to marathon. 18th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Barcelona, 2013.

104.Telli R., Seminati E. and A. E. Minetti. 3D path of the body centre of mass and propulsive muscles length change when pedalling: recumbent vs. upright bicyle. 18th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Barcelona, 2013.

105.Formenti F., Ives J., Seminati E., Sethi S., Somerville N. J., Minetti A. E., Borrani F.. A new equation to estimate oxygen consumption during exercise on the cycle ergometer. IUPS Congress, Birmingham, 2013.

106.Biancardi C. M. and A. E. Minetti. Gradient limits and safety factor of Alpine ibex locomotion (on dam walls). "General Biomechanics" session at the Society of Experimental Biology (SEB) Conference, Valencia 2013.

107.Minetti, A.E. and E. Seminati. Propulsive asymmetry in lower limbs and force time-course during the push in vertical jumps: different skiing disciplines. 6th International Congress on Science and Skiing, St Christoph, December 2013.

108.Biancardi C. M. and A. E. Minetti. Climbing dam walls: new habits for the Alpine ibex. IX Congresso Italiano di Teriologia, Civitella Alfedena. 7-10 maggio 2014.

109.Preatoni E., Cazzola D., Pavei G. and A. E. Minetti. Technical skills and movement coordination in elite, national and regional level race walkers. VIIth World Congress of Biomechanics, Boston July 6-11th 2014.

110.Pavei G., Biancardi C.M. and A. E. Minetti. Biomechanics and bioenergetics of human locomotion in simulated low-gravity. VIIth World Congress of Biomechanics, Boston July 6-11th 2014.

111.Minetti, A.E. The role of negative external and positive internal mechanical work in human locomotion energetics. VIIth World Congress of Biomechanics, Boston, July 6-11th 2014.

112.Pavei G., Biancardi C.M. and A. E. Minetti. Skipping and Running in simulated low-gravity: hints for next bipedal traverses. International Congress of Medicine in Space, September 16t-19th Berlin 2014.

113. Minetti A. E., Biancardi C.M. and Pavei G. Giant strides are what you'll take, skipping on the Moon. International Running Conference, Calgary 2014.

  1. e)patents

Minetti A. E. & I. R. Consani. "A computational method for the mechanical work estimation of locomotion": C.N.R. (Italian Research Council) patent n° 21564 A/89 (28/8/1989) and software registered (SIAE).

f) articles on computer science

Minetti A. E., R. Mameli e D. Rosso. Frattali: parte III, Bit n.109, pp 14-20, Jackson Ed. (1989).

Minetti A. E.. Quaternions Julia sets, Bit n.110,  pp 14-20, Jackson Ed. (1989).

Minetti A. E.. Mathematica, PC-Magazine n.57, in "Intelligenza Artificiale",  pp 25-29, Jackson Ed. (1989).

Minetti A. E.. Three-dimensional locomotion analysis, Applicando, 90: 114-117, J.C.E. (1992).

  1. g)theses

Graduation in Medicine and Surgery at the Università degli Studi di Milano: "Automatic acquisition and analysis of respiratory mechanical parameters ".

Postgraduate Specialty Course in Biostatistics at the Università degli Studi di Milano: "Teaching the Principal Component Analysis by means of 3D representation of data with a CAD (Computer Assisted Design) device".


  1. 1.Giant Tracks – A Tribute to Gentle Giant, HyberNation Music, Minetti Bros.,, 96012-7, 1997.

  2. 2.United Jazz Artists in Milan, Italian Way Music, Progressive Jazz Quartet,, RJ1004/09, 2009.